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Lifelong Learning Association AGM Wednesday

3-4:30 p.m. at the Job Shop, 103 - 555 4th St. in Courtenay

Comox Valley Lifelong Learning Association is having their third Annual General Meeting on Oct. 29, 3-4:30 p.m. at the Job Shop, 103 - 555 4th St. in Courtenay.

The public is welcome to attend.

Aside from AGM business, CVLLA will launch the 2014 Community Literacy Plan, which highlights four comprehensive literacy goals.

The Plan was created in consultation with literacy and learning stakeholders from multiple organizations, including the School District, LUSH Valley, Lake Trail Community Connections, Creative Employment Access Society, Comox Valley Family Services and others. The Plan highlights opportunities for continued cooperation, collaboration and coordination of literacy programs and services in the Comox Valley. To view the Plan visit (under the About tab).

Comox Valley Lifelong Learning Association is a community–based literacy society that brings learning organizations and literacy stakeholders together to address the literacy needs and priorities that exist within our community. CVLLA facilitates collaborative program development, supports and enhances existing literacy programs, and raises awareness of the importance of literacy and learning through literacy events, activities and book distributions.

Directors include community literacy professionals and representatives from both formal and non-formal learning organizations. Learning organization representatives include North Island College, School District No. 71, Creative Employment Access Society, LUSH Valley, Comox Valley Social Planning Society and Vancouver Island Regional Library.

Members include stakeholders in literacy and learning and in community development – an inclusive group of literacy and learning practitioners, volunteer coordinators, librarians, parents and grandparents, young adults, early childhood educators, administrators, program managers and coordinators, business owners, and health practitioners, as well as members of the public with a general interest in literacy and lifelong learning.

Those interested in becoming a member may do so at our AGM or by contacting Danielle Hoogland at CVLLA is also accepting nominations for directors.

If you become a member and attend the AGM you will have the opportunity to win one of our fantastic door prizes! Refreshments will also be served. Please RSVP your attendance at our AGM by email: or by phone: 250-897-2623. FMI: (under the Events tab).