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BC Transit to explore bus service between Nanaimo and Comox Valley regional districts

The review process will take two years to complete

An inter-regional bus service between the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) and Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is going to be explored by BC Transit.

Both regional districts want to see a bus link between the two regions established due to the reduction of private bus transportation options to the South Island.

Nanaimo senior manager of transportation services Darren Marshall indicated in his report that was presented at the RDN Transit Select Committee meeting on May 18, that the service request will be part of BC Transit’s 2023 Transit Improvement Program.

The transit company, Marshall said, will identify the necessary service hours to implement a connection between the CVRD’s Route 10 Fanny Bay and RDN’s Route 99 Deep Bay in 2024. As there is a gap of about eight kilometres between the two routes, service planning would be required to determine the route, schedule, and passenger transfer logistics.

Marshall said BC Transit preferred a robust service investigation to explore ridership demand, routing options and scheduling service levels and potential infrastructure requirements for the inter-regional transit service.

READ MORE: RDN wants inter-regional transit plan for Vancouver island

“The result of BC Transit’s review will allow the CVRD and RDN boards to consider approving additional service hours for identification in the 2024 Transit Improvement Program, potentially implementing inter-regional service by 2025,” said Marshall. “The success of an inter-regional transit depends on the support of BC Transit and the CVRD, with BC Transit developing a three-year work plan to determine necessary resources and timelines for service implementation.”

City of Nanaimo director Janice Perrino was wondering if there was a way to accelerate the implementation of the proposed service as she feels it is such an important service.

“As we go through the process with BC Transit and the CVRD, If there are any efficiencies we will definitely come back with them and if there’s any earlier options, then we will definitely bring that to the board’s attention and for approval,” said Marshall. “The process for the inter-regional service from downtown Nanaimo to downtown Duncan was longer. It was five years. There’s quite a bit involved. We don’t want to miss any steps and ensure the public has had their feedback.”

Area H (Bowser, Qualicum Bay, Deep Bay) director and chair of the Transit Select Committee, Stuart McLean is excited to see a bus service link between the two regions is being explored.

“It would be a great thing for the whole Island, North Island and Central Island, it’s going to create a connection all the way to Campbell River to Victoria,” said McLean.

The select committee voted to receive the Comox Valley Regional District Inter-regional Transit Service Update for information.

Michael Briones

About the Author: Michael Briones

I rejoined the PQB News team in April 2017 from the Comox Valley Echo, having previously covered sports for The NEWS in 1997.
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